Tag: altcoins

Facing the fear of “what people will say” about your cryptocurrency investments

Facing the fear of “what people will say” about your cryptocurrency investments

Fear of social rejection is a powerful factor that can inhibit people from expressing their opinions and sharing their experiences, especially when it comes to financial topics such as cryptocurrency investments.

In the case of social media, this fear is further intensified due to the public nature of these platforms. Every “like,” comment or interaction leaves a digital trail that can be visible to a wide network of friends and followers.

For many cryptocurrency enthusiasts, this creates a psychological barrier that prevents them from openly sharing their interest in this area. They fear being judged, criticized or even ridiculed by those close to them, which can lead them to silence themselves and hide their involvement in the world of cryptocurrencies.

The consequences of silence

This silence has a negative impact on the crypto community at large. By not sharing their experiences and knowledge, reluctant investors limit the growth and adoption of cryptocurrencies. In addition, companies operating in this sector are deprived of support and recognition from their own customers, which hinders their development and expansion.

What to do if you find yourself in this situation?

If you feel identified with this fear of “what will they say” in relation to your cryptocurrency investments, it is important for you to know that you are not alone. Many other enthusiasts have gone through the same situation and have found a way to overcome it. Here are some tips that can help you:

  • Inform yourself and make your own decisions:

    It is essential that you do your own research and analysis before investing in any asset, including cryptocurrencies. Don’t be swayed by the opinions or recommendations of others without first carefully evaluating the information and considering the risks involved.

    • Trust your own judgment:

    No one has the right to think or decide for you. Your money, your time and your decisions are yours and only you should be responsible for them. Don’t let fear of rejection stop you from making the decisions you believe are right for your financial future.

    • Exercise your freedom of expression:

    Social networks are a space to share ideas, experiences and opinions. Do not censor yourself for fear of criticism. Share your interest in cryptocurrencies in a responsible and respectful way, always based on verified information and avoiding promoting imprudent investments.

    • Surround yourself with like-minded people:

    Look for online communities or local groups where you can connect with other cryptocurrency enthusiasts. In these spaces you will find support, information and the opportunity to share your experiences without fear of being judged.

    • Be an example to others:

    By sharing your experience openly and honestly, you can inspire others to overcome their fears and explore the world of cryptocurrencies responsibly. Remember that your voice and your experience are valuable to the community.

    Freedom of speech and thought is fundamental.
    Do not allow fear to silence you.
    Inform yourself, make your own decisions and trust your judgment.
    Surround yourself with like-minded people and set an example for others.

    Share your experience responsibly and respectfully.

    By overcoming the fear of “what people will say” and openly sharing your interest in cryptocurrencies, you contribute to the growth and adoption of this sector, as well as inspire others to take control of their financial future.

    Disclaimer: The information set out herein should not be taken as financial advice or investment recommendations. All investments and trading involve risk and it is the responsibility of each individual to do their due diligence before making any investment decision.

    Cryptocurrencies that could surprise in 2024, according to EurocoinPay CEO Herminio Fernandez

    Cryptocurrencies that could surprise in 2024, according to EurocoinPay CEO Herminio Fernandez

    Diversifying the crypto portfolio in search of the “new bitcoin” is tempting, but the past has shown the high risk involved. The experts consulted, without ignoring the greater “security” that both bitcoin and ethereum offer, reveal a series of alternative cryptocurrencies that, due to the boom in their use or their innovative nature, could surprise favourably in 2024.

    It seems that the cryptowinter is behind us. 2023 is the year of the crypto market’s recovery, as evidenced by bitcoin’s 127% rally and ethereum’s 70% revaluation. This context is fuelling hopes of even more remarkable revaluations among lesser-known and smaller cryptocurrencies.

    One factor to bear in mind is that, while the crypto market has much higher levels of volatility than “traditional” markets, the volatility of both upside and downside volatility is higher for smaller-cap tokens.

    Experts advise investors to proceed with extreme caution if they decide to position themselves in alternative cryptocurrencies or altcoins, as looking for digital currencies with high upside potential involves taking a high degree of risk.

    Without neglecting calls for prudence, all experts agree on diversifying the investment portfolio.

    In the article “Eleven cryptocurrencies that could surprise in 2024“, published on 30 November 2023 in Expansion.com, expert cryptocurrency analysts, investment fund managers linked to cryptocurrencies and the CEO of EurocoinPay, Herminio Fernández de Blas, are consulted on which crypto trends could have more potential in the medium and long term to diversify the portfolio.

    Read the full article on expansion.com

    Options put forward by Herminio Fernández to diversify the portfolio

    First and foremost, Herminio makes it clear that:

    The price of any cryptocurrency can rise or fall significantly at any time, so it is always important to invest with caution and diversify your portfolio.

    Herminio Fernández

    These are the cryptocurrencies that EurocoinPay’s CEO sees as having growth potential due to new projects and upgrades:

    Solana (SOL): Solana is a blockchain platform that has become one of the fastest and most scalable on the market, gaining remarkable popularity for decentralised finance (DeFi) and non-fungible token (NFT) applications.

    Cardano (ADA): Cardano is a blockchain platform that is based on academic research and is developing a series of upgrades that will improve its scalability and efficiency.

    Avalanche (AVAX): Avalanche is a blockchain platform that has become one of the most popular for DeFi applications and is characterised by its scalability, efficiency and low transaction fees.

    IOTA (IOTA): It is a cryptocurrency with significant growth potential. The cryptocurrency has innovative technology, an experienced development team and a growing ecosystem.

    Uniswap (UNI): It is a decentralised exchange protocol (DEX) that allows users to exchange ERC-20 tokens without intermediaries. It is one of the most popular DEXs on the market and has a high volume of transactions, and if it continues to grow in popularity, it could attract more users and liquidity, which could boost UNI’s price.

    Polkadot (DOT): It is a blockchain platform that connects different blockchain networks. It has the potential to create an interoperable ecosystem of decentralised applications and if it is a success, it could connect different blockchain networks and create an interoperable ecosystem of decentralised applications.

    Dogecoin (DOGE): It is a meme cryptocurrency that became popular in 2021. It has an active and engaged user community. It has been adopted by several companies and celebrities. If it is adopted by more companies and celebrities, it could increase in popularity and price.

    Chainlink (LINK): ): It is an oracle platform that provides real-world data to decentralised applications. Chainlink is an integral part of the DeFi ecosystem, and is used by many popular applications. If it continues to grow in popularity, it could become an integral part of the DeFi industry.

    IMPORTANT to always bear in mind the volatility of the crypto market and to invest with caution.

    Disclaimer: The information set out herein should not be taken as financial advice or investment recommendations. All investments and trading involve risk and it is the responsibility of each individual to do their due diligence before making any investment decision.